Terms & Conditions - Individual lessons
Terms and Conditions of Enrolment (Effective 1 December 2018)
Food, chewing gum and drinks (except for water) are not to be consumed in the studio or during lessons.
Musical Keys accepts no liability or responsibility for any injury sustained by the student that arises from participation in any activity connected with Musical Keys. Musical Keys accepts no liability or responsibility for any parent/guardian/sibling who attends and/or waits at Musical Keys locations for the student having music lessons. These terms and conditions are subject to change at Musical Keys' sole discretion and the amendments will be updated on the Musical Keys website.
Please tick/initial on hard copy form to provide consent:
- Lessons are invoiced for each full term or pro rata for late enrolments. Payment is due in full by the date specified.
(Please note, requests to invoice for less than a full term cannot be accommodated and missed lessons are not able to be refunded/credited - see point 3 below. Musical Keys reserves the right to refuse further services to students and/or reissue the lesson time where payment has not been received by invoice due date). - Lessons are held on a weekly basis and Musical Keys terms generally run in line with state school dates unless otherwise notified (NOTE: lessons are not charged for or provided during term breaks or on Public Holidays).
- All materials (allow approx $150/year) and exam fees purchased on students’ behalf are to be reimbursed with the fees as invoiced, or at the student’s next lesson if provided after the start of term.
- A $20 administration fee per year per student applies.
- A complimentary 15-minute meeting / assessment with the student and parent is required prior to confirming enrolment.
- A non-refundable deposit of $150 comprising the $20 annual administration fee and $130 deposit for lessons is required to reserve a lesson time for new enrolments, and $200 is required in December of each year for students to reserve a lesson time for term 1 of the following year (which is then deducted from tuition fees). The deposit is non-refundable in the event of cancellation by the student, and the remaining amount owing for term fees are then due before or at the first lesson (see 1.1 above). Cancellation of re-enrolment, when notified by December 31, may be considered for refund of deposit at the discretion of Musical Keys.
- Re-enrolment into terms 2, 3 and 4 is confirmed by payment of subsequent term fees in full by the last lesson of the term prior. In the event of discontinuation please provide a minimum of 4 week’s written notice prior to term finish (via email).
- Lesson times may vary slightly from term to term at Musical Key’s discretion due to timetabling needs.
- No refunds are given for discontinuation during a term.
- No refunds or credits are provided for missed lessons. Lessons cancelled with more than 24 hours notice may be able to be rescheduled within studio hours dependent on studio, teacher, and student availability. A maximum of 2 lessons can be rescheduled per term. Rescheduled lessons are to take place within the same term as the missed lessons and do not accrue should the student be unable to attend times offered.
- In the event that the teacher cancels a lesson a rescheduled time may be offered, subject to availability. If the student is unable to attend, a credit for that lesson will be issued on the following term’s invoice or reimbursed in the event of discontinuation.
- In the event of illness/injury a lesson may be able to be rescheduled (see 3.2 above) or held in the regular time online or over the phone. Please do not attend the studio in-person if displaying symptoms of respiratory infection and/or fever; the teacher reserves the right to cancel the lesson if the student presents with a contagious illness, counting as a missed lesson - student cancellation.
- A parent/guardian is welcome to attend the lessons; if not attending, the parent/guardian is required to pick up the student from the front door at the end of the lesson. Care is unable to be provided after the lesson time has finished and Musical Keys / the teacher takes no responsibility for students once they have left the front door of the premise.
- It is highly preferred that younger siblings do not attend students’ lessons, however if it is unavoidable please ensure the sibling has a quiet activity to work on in order to minimise disruption to the teacher/student.
- Please ensure all contact details are kept up to date and phone contacts are available during lesson times in the event of an emergency.
Food, chewing gum and drinks (except for water) are not to be consumed in the studio or during lessons.
Musical Keys accepts no liability or responsibility for any injury sustained by the student that arises from participation in any activity connected with Musical Keys. Musical Keys accepts no liability or responsibility for any parent/guardian/sibling who attends and/or waits at Musical Keys locations for the student having music lessons. These terms and conditions are subject to change at Musical Keys' sole discretion and the amendments will be updated on the Musical Keys website.
Please tick/initial on hard copy form to provide consent:
- By enrolling with Musical Keys you authorise Musical Keys to add your name and email to the mailing list for newsletters (quarterly) and events in relation to Musical Keys.
- By enrolling with Musical Keys you authorise Musical Keys to use the student’s name, photograph, video, audio recordings, multimedia or film likeness to be used in media & marketing materials by Rachael Martin, Musical Keys or assigns for the purposes of promoting Musical Keys and musical tuition services, without remuneration or compensation.
- I consent to my child’s name, photo and/or examination results being included on the Musical Keys website or in newsletters.